Thursday, August 18, 2011

Ancient Aliens Unexplained Structures Documentary Recommendation and Review (R&R =] )

Science Documentary Ancient Aliens - Unexplained Structures –

This documentary describes and hypothesises many unexplainable megalithic structures in the worlds. The documentary suggests that Aliens had once visited our planet, Earth, and had taught or assisted the ancient people in construction of various structures. The interesting part of this documentary is that it really gives me the impression that such visits from extra-terrestrials are real as shown in the movies.
Stones are mainly used in the constructions of the sites described in the documentary. It really brings many questions like how on Earth did the ancient people build such sites with very basic tools? An example in the documentary, the Göbekli Tepe in Turkey, which archaeologists pointed out using carbon dating methods, that it was built 13,000 years ago. At that point of time, humans were believed to have yet evolved and this makes this site hardly possible. To further complicate matters, the stones have special carvings on them, depicting different organisms living at that point of time. The special carvings were made by very talented stonemasons.
As the documentary progresses, they point out more mysterious examples of possible visits by extra-terrestrial. The Incan ruins of Sacsayhuamán in Peru, had an ancient stone fortress. This stone fortress was built out of very unique stones that were extremely heavy, weighing hundreds of tonnes. This presents a very big problem of how did the ancient people quarry all these rocks to this site? Perhaps it is possible to move such rocks in our time using modern technology; however, it would be a very daunting task. Hundreds of thousands of people must have worked to quarry these rocks if they really wanted to build this site. Not only this, the rocks have signs that thermal heat had been applied to the rocks to melt them then mould them. How was it possible for the people to melt these rocks with the technology at that period of time? Local legend claims that a God had helped them by spewing chemicals to melt these rocks. Perhaps the Gods were actually extra-terrestrials that had helped these people melt the stone and eventually the entire site. All these yet present a question, why did these people build these sites for?
The documentary explains that the Carnac stones of France were built on a place which had a strong magnetic field. Frankly speaking, I do not believe what the narrator was saying is true. They claimed that the magnetic field was so strong that you could actually feel it when you touch the stones. I would have to experience it myself to believe it. Anyways, the documentary goes on, saying that many of such megalithic sites are built on a global magnetic grid and perhaps, these grids were used to help extra-terrestrials navigate the Earth. An observation that can only be seen in the skies, that the Carnac stones were built with different shapes and together a huge right angle triangle. Here comes the strange part of the documentary. It starts relating this right angle triangle with Pythagoras Theorem where right angle triangles are involved. The narrator believes that the extra-terrestrials wanted to let people in the modern world to realise that the site is a complicated math concept and only with the help of extra-terrestrials did the people in the past construct these sites. Maybe this relationship is correct and maybe it is not, who knows for sure?
I shall skip the boring part of Zorats Karer in Armenia and go straight to much more intriguing part of a man who had constructed the ‘Coral Castle’. This man claims to have built the ‘Coral Castle’, which was made out of stone, using anti-gravity. He was claimed to make the stones extremely light and he could easily push it around. Professors and engineers believed he had some sort of a machine that could make objects float just like how magnetism can be used to levitate objects. Unfortunately, this man died along with his secret of the construction of the ‘Coral Castle’ as he had explained and he also dismantled his machine after his death. It is really sad that man would not make contributions to Science and explain how he did it. Many people can benefit from such a technology and perhaps with this technology, we can have levitating cars all around and possibly be able to use very little power to move around. This could really benefit many people. Perhaps this man had a reason for concealing this secret and this could be that an extra-terrestrial was actually the one who taught his this technique and he had promised to keep it a secret.
Many things in the world are unexplained or have yet to be discovered. These theories could possibly explain such sites but as of today, we are unable to prove these theories. The world is such a big place and humans have only been on it for a short amount of time. We yet to know much about our history and we should keep thinking and keep discovering more facts so that we can learn more about our pasts. It would be really interesting to find out that extra-terrestrials came to Earth once, and have more sophisticate and advanced technology than us. We could learn from one another and benefit mutually. I highly recommend this documentary for those who non-believers of extra-terrestrials and perhaps, you might change your mind set after watching this documentary. There is actually many more series of Ancient Aliens and anybody who is interested could go watch the other series of documentary.
Youtube video link: 

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Facebook ACE

Saturday, August 13, 2011

London Riots

Riots rocked England as protesters looted and torched everything in sight of them. The riots started after the Metropolitan Police Service fatally shot Mark Duggan on 4 August. Most of the rioters are used youths and they have been very violent in their riots. The picture above are not the only things these youths have done. There has been reported 5 deaths already and 186 polices being injured throughout the protest. I feel that the protest is just an excuse to loot and destroy properties. The hooligans are taking advantages of the situation and are making use of the youths to cause disorder in England. The protestors use social media to organise gatherings and protests and these social media include: BlackBerry Messenger, Facebook and Twitter.

[Still Editing]

Book Review : Chariots Of the Gods

My recent obsession with Aliens were evoked by my elder brother. He started watching documentaries on the history of the world and came across Ancient Astronauts theories. I would join my brother when he watches the documentaries and in the process, learn more about these theories. There are many explanation of how humans came about, the usual one being that humans suddenly evolving from apes to become Homo Sapiens. Throughout the years, humans became increasingly intelligent and finally to today's modern world. One of the Ancient Astronauts theories argue that evolution of humans were not by chance or luck and was because the past generation of humans had been 'genetically-modified' by Aliens causing us humans, to become intelligent. The reason for the Aliens to have done this was thought to be, that the Aliens wanted us humans to mine gold and other minerals. However, we had to be intelligent to use the tools and extract these minerals for them. Thus, we were made smarter. Other explanation for the Aliens existence is many of the unexplainable construction of megalithic buildings in the world. Examples would be the pyramids in Egypt and the stonehenge. This explains that the stones used to build these megalithic buildings would have been impossible with their technology at that time. It is believed that the Aliens had helped the Egyptian by sharing some technology to move the extremely heavy stones to build the structure. Other reasons for the believe that Aliens once visited Earth would be the ancient texts such as the Bible and cave drawings. The 'Gods' in these are thought to be Aliens who had high technology and could fly around anywhere they want (with the help of vehicles) and able to breathe fire (shoot missiles).

The image above shows ancient drawings and figures. These ancient objects depict ancient aliens thought to be astronauts, as they have helmets and suits. There are still many more different theories on Aliens and I read up more about it. I recommend this book to all who wish to learn more and have an open mind and not declare this book rubbish before even reading it.

North West Run

Today, I participated in the North West Run. The run, organised by North West CDC, was held in conjunction with Youth Olympic Games last year. My coach decided to support this event once more and the Hwa Chong Cross Country team participated again. We have been training very hard for this competition and we were prepared for the run. However, things were not as smooth as they should have been. I was down with the flu since Monday and I could not give my best in the run. The 5km run started today, at 7.55am. The weather was fine, very cloudy and this weather would be the best for running. Things were pretty smooth in the first kilometer in the race, I was in the lead pack with my CCA mates. After 2 kilometres, my flu started to kick in and I could not breathe in air properly. My coach advised that if something cropped up in the race and if I am unfit to continue, I should slow down and not force myself. I might get injured if I continued so I decided to run slowly. I was really disappointed with myself and I wondered why I was so unlucky to catch the flu, effectively wasting my time and sweat during training. In the end, I reached the end point at about 23 minutes, pretty far from the usual sub 19 minute I can do. Nonetheless, I must reflect on what I have done wrong and prepare better for the next major race I might take part in. I should not let this small setback affect me and I should continue training hard. I will do better next time !