Saturday, January 3, 2015

Ancient Aliens Crops Circles reply to SETI

In 1974, SETI beamed into space the most powerful broadcast( at that time) was made from Puerto Rico.  The transmission consisted of a simple, pictorial message which is shown below,

The message depicts the Arecibo telescope,  DNA, our solar system, a figure of a human, and the number of elements that made up the basic blocks of life on earth(carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, etc).

27 Years later in 200,1 It appeared near the Chilbolton radio telescope in Hampshire, UK.
As you can see from the response, our alien counterparts seem to have larger heads, and the solar system they are in seems to be different from ours. Also there seems to be silicon in the elements of their DNA, a different DNA double helix shape and a representation of their means of transmission.

As we can see from this crop circle, it leads us to wonder if this is really a clever made hoax? or is it really a reply from our cosmic neighbours.

Image Source: