Saturday, March 5, 2011

The book that change my life : Poppy

This book changed the way I thought about books. When I first started reading, I found books boring and uninteresting. When I was about primary 5, my sister started to read all sorts of books on animals. I was surprised and went on to borrow books on animals. I went to my school library and found this. The picture was attractive and even though they always say never read a book by its cover, I decided that this was the book for me. The book is about deer mouses being 'protected' by an owl called Mr Ocax. Mr Ocax claims to help protect the deer mouse population by getting rid of hedgehogs in Dimwood forest. Mr Ocax claims that hedgehogs will kill and eat them if they he does not protect them. In exchange for the protection, the deer mouses have to obey his rules. Nobody ever questions about his rules till this mouse called Poppy came about. The story moves on where Poppy finds out that hedgehogs are harmless towards them and the reason why Mr Ocax rules over them is to ensure he has a steady amount of food. This book was really interesting and kept me reading all day. I went on to read the earlier series like Ragweed which tells about Poppy's boyfriend. Since this book is meant for children, it does not have many challenging or hard to comprehend words. Even so, I recommend this book to everyone who wants to enjoy reading like I did.

Term 1 - Reflections

It is finally the end of term 1. Term 1 has been a hectic term for me. Workload from academic subjects have somewhat decreased but the quality expected is significantly higher. Not only this, I still have to manage increased training from my ep3 as it is the competition season. I did not do very well this term and my results was lower compared to last year's result. My MSG for this term is about 2 and my target was 1.83 and below. I did poorly in this year's IH test. The level of difficulty is much different from last year and I could not manage. I did revise enough and that cause my grade to be B4. I made my some plans for term 2 and that is to read more books in both English and Chinese. Not only this, I plan to revise more after the national competition, when training frequencies would be reduced and I can put all my time to studying.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Discriminatory Acts

I experienced discriminatory act when I was Primary 6. I feel very guilty as I had joined in the group that discriminates our victim. The victim was my primary school classmate. He was sissy-like, always touching people while talking. A classmate of mine started to ask many of us to boycott him in all sorts of activities. We called him 'it' as we defined him as he wasn't a boy nor a girl to us. He eventually snapped and hid in a corner to cry. It dawned on me that what we were doing was wrong and our teacher punished us for being bullies. The feeling of being discriminated must be really miserable and we have to put ourselves in others' shoes before discriminating them. I think that schools should have more talks on bullying and discrimination so students will know that such acts are bad.