Saturday, February 12, 2011

Responding (To Kill a Mockingbird, One through Eleven)

Personal Response:
After reading about Scout's experiences, I remember about when I was as small as her, I was as naive and always believed what others say. There was this one time,

Recall and interpret:
1)Scout, Jem, and Dill test their courage by acting as Mrs Radley, Mr Radley and Boo Radley respectively. They act near the Radley place to test their courage. They also try to peep in the window with the loose shutter to see if they could get a look at Boo. They think Boo Radley is dead and that his family stuffed him up a chimney.

2)Scout and Jem found a ball of gray twine, a figure of a boy and another one which wore a crude dress, a spelling medal and a pocket watch, on a chain with an aluminum knife. The figures and spelling medal suggest that maybe Boo Radley was a normal, average person. Chewing gum found at the tree also suggest Boo was like a normal person as well.

3) Cecil Jacobs and Francis insult Scout's father, Atticus, being a nigger-lover. Scout is also not mature enough to know that fights will not solve matters. Their comments reveal that Maycomb represents the white people and that the white people are racist towards Negroes. Scout's response reveals that she is very defensive of Atticus and that she feels insulted when anybody insults him.

4)The connection is that both are the right thing to do and that Atticus did it voluntarily.

5) I would describe him as a wise parent. Atticus treats all of him chlidren well. He can openly talk about all kinds of stuff with his children. Being a wise parent, he punishes his children appropriately to teach them a lesson. Atticus always wants his children to think about others at all times and put themselves in their shoes.