Saturday, February 12, 2011

Responding (To Kill a Mockingbird, Twelve through Twenty-one)

Personal Response:
I emphatise more with Tom Robinson. As the actions goes on in the courtroom, it becomes obvious that Tom is innocent and that Mayella Ewell is lying. Tom was accused of raping Mayella when he did not.
Recall and interpret:
1)Mr Cunningham and a group of men wants to lynch Tom Robinson. They want Atticus to get out of the way or they might harm him. At this moment, Scout comes and tries to engage in a conversation with Mr Cunningham. Scout talks about entailment while the group of men realises that what they were doing was wrong.

2)Tom Robinson's left arm is crippled and he could not have raped Ms Mayella. Ms. Mayella Ewell had been beaten on the right side of her body and that meant the rapist attacked her with his left hand.

3)According to Atticus, Mayella's motive of accusing Tom is that she did the unspeakable by tempting a Negro and kissed Tom. She later realise she has done the wrong thing and pushes the blame to Tom. Atticus fear that the jury will assume that all Negroes lie ,that all Negroes are basically immoral beings and that all Negro man are not to be trusted around the white women.

4) The author make Mayella Ewell a victim other than Tom Robinson. Mayella lost her mother and only has Mr Ewell as her only parent. Mr Ewell abuses her from time to time and we can tell she is also a victim.

5)A think a jury today, would not have found Tom Robinson guilty. The injuries that Mayella suffered are clearly not by Tom as he cannot have attacked the right side of Mayella's body. This is clear as Tom is crippled and cannot use his left hand. A jury today will also be less racist and should be able to give a fair trial. Therefore, a jury today would not have found Tom Robinson guilty.

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