Thursday, August 18, 2011
Ancient Aliens Unexplained Structures Documentary Recommendation and Review (R&R =] )
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Saturday, August 13, 2011
London Riots

[Still Editing]
Book Review : Chariots Of the Gods

The image above shows ancient drawings and figures. These ancient objects depict ancient aliens thought to be astronauts, as they have helmets and suits. There are still many more different theories on Aliens and I read up more about it. I recommend this book to all who wish to learn more and have an open mind and not declare this book rubbish before even reading it.
North West Run
Saturday, June 25, 2011
SMS Masterclass Day 1
Links to find out more:
End of June
Monday, May 2, 2011
Saturday, March 5, 2011
The book that change my life : Poppy

Term 1 - Reflections
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Discriminatory Acts
Sunday, February 27, 2011
LA test - Compromise(Topic)
To Kill a Mocking Bird (Characters)
Mississippi Burning
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Responding (To Kill a Mockingbird, Twenty-two through Thirty-one)
The ending was particularly surprising. I did not think that Tom Robinson would have died in jail. I believed Tom had a chance to appeal and find the way out of his situation. Tom should not have attempted to run out of jail. If I was the author, I might have chosen to end the story differently by saying Tom Robinson managed to appeal and had a fairer trial. The way the story ended, shows how serious the white people who were prejudiced against the Negroes. I would prefer a happier ending where the ending shows that the people of Maycomb realise their mistakes and acquits Tom.
Recall & Interpret
1)The children are worried for Atticus but Atticus is not afraid to Bob Ewell's threats. He believes that Bob Ewell just threatens and will not take any physical action against him.
2)On the way back home from the school pageant, Bob Ewell stalks Scout and Jem and attacks them. At this point of time, Jem tells Scout to run and tried to stall time while Scout runs. Jem injures himself while struggling with Bob and Scout turns back to help him. Bob grabs and squeezed Scout and then, all of a sudden, Bob was pulled away by Boo Radley. Boo Radley took care of Bob Ewell and killed him and brought Jem back to the Finch's house. This incident revealed that Boo Radley was not a monster that they have thought and actually has a sense of justice.
3)Scout tries to treat Boo kindly and walks him back home to the Radley's place. She no longer think that Boo is a ghost or some horrible monster.Scout's image of Boo changed from a monster to normal human being and Scout tries to be friendly to Boo.
4)I believe they made the right decision on how to report Bob Ewell's death. Bob Ewell was the one who attacked and was actually the person who caused all the trouble. Boo was trying to save the children and did no wrong. He did not need any more trouble from killing Bob.
5)I agree that the cause of justice should be advanced through such 'baby steps'. If Atticus takes hasty steps and the community cannot fully condone what he is doing, he might get himself implicated and might die in result. It takes time for the community in Maycomb to slowly realise that their racist feelings towards the Negroes are actually bad.
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Responding (To Kill a Mockingbird, Twelve through Twenty-one)
I emphatise more with Tom Robinson. As the actions goes on in the courtroom, it becomes obvious that Tom is innocent and that Mayella Ewell is lying. Tom was accused of raping Mayella when he did not.
Recall and interpret:
1)Mr Cunningham and a group of men wants to lynch Tom Robinson. They want Atticus to get out of the way or they might harm him. At this moment, Scout comes and tries to engage in a conversation with Mr Cunningham. Scout talks about entailment while the group of men realises that what they were doing was wrong.
2)Tom Robinson's left arm is crippled and he could not have raped Ms Mayella. Ms. Mayella Ewell had been beaten on the right side of her body and that meant the rapist attacked her with his left hand.
3)According to Atticus, Mayella's motive of accusing Tom is that she did the unspeakable by tempting a Negro and kissed Tom. She later realise she has done the wrong thing and pushes the blame to Tom. Atticus fear that the jury will assume that all Negroes lie ,that all Negroes are basically immoral beings and that all Negro man are not to be trusted around the white women.
4) The author make Mayella Ewell a victim other than Tom Robinson. Mayella lost her mother and only has Mr Ewell as her only parent. Mr Ewell abuses her from time to time and we can tell she is also a victim.
5)A think a jury today, would not have found Tom Robinson guilty. The injuries that Mayella suffered are clearly not by Tom as he cannot have attacked the right side of Mayella's body. This is clear as Tom is crippled and cannot use his left hand. A jury today will also be less racist and should be able to give a fair trial. Therefore, a jury today would not have found Tom Robinson guilty.
Responding (To Kill a Mockingbird, One through Eleven)
After reading about Scout's experiences, I remember about when I was as small as her, I was as naive and always believed what others say. There was this one time,
Recall and interpret:
1)Scout, Jem, and Dill test their courage by acting as Mrs Radley, Mr Radley and Boo Radley respectively. They act near the Radley place to test their courage. They also try to peep in the window with the loose shutter to see if they could get a look at Boo. They think Boo Radley is dead and that his family stuffed him up a chimney.
2)Scout and Jem found a ball of gray twine, a figure of a boy and another one which wore a crude dress, a spelling medal and a pocket watch, on a chain with an aluminum knife. The figures and spelling medal suggest that maybe Boo Radley was a normal, average person. Chewing gum found at the tree also suggest Boo was like a normal person as well.
3) Cecil Jacobs and Francis insult Scout's father, Atticus, being a nigger-lover. Scout is also not mature enough to know that fights will not solve matters. Their comments reveal that Maycomb represents the white people and that the white people are racist towards Negroes. Scout's response reveals that she is very defensive of Atticus and that she feels insulted when anybody insults him.
4)The connection is that both are the right thing to do and that Atticus did it voluntarily.
5) I would describe him as a wise parent. Atticus treats all of him chlidren well. He can openly talk about all kinds of stuff with his children. Being a wise parent, he punishes his children appropriately to teach them a lesson. Atticus always wants his children to think about others at all times and put themselves in their shoes.
Monday, January 31, 2011
Hong Kong trip
I went to Hong Kong for a track and field competition. The whole trip was from Thursday to Monday. On Thursday, I still had to attend lessons as the flight was at night. The whole track and field team gathered at terminal 1 at 4.30pm. We checked-in our luggage, took group photos and got into the boarding gate. We got in the plane and by the time the plane was about to take flight, it was 6.30pm. The whole plane trip was pretty smooth - no turbulence and smooth landings. By the time we landed. We quickly got onto a coach, checked in to our hotels and slept.
The competition starts tomorrow so we decided to enjoy ourselves before going for the race. We woke up early in the morning, had our buffet breakfast and went to Hong Kong's Ocean Park. We got into groups and went to explore the extremely big Ocean Park. Ocean Park consists of two main areas - the highlands and the lowlands. The lowlands did not have trill rides, so my group went to the highlands. To get there, we took the cable car. The cable car ride was about 15 minutes and we took photos of the scenic view up in the cable car. The first trill ride we took was called "Raging River". After that, we went on to the "Crazy Galleon". It is similar to the viking rides we have in Singapore. I was actually afraid to get on to these trill rides. But all my friends were going on the ride so I took the ride. It was first time on these kinds of ride and I found it pretty fun. Next, was "The Dragon". It was roller coaster ride that had 3 loops. I have never went on a roller coaster and it was my first time. The roller coaster went really fast and I could feel the gravity on me. After the whole ride, I felt relieved that it was finally over. By the time we were done with Ocean Park, it was dinner time. We ate dinner at a small restaurant near our hotel. Food was quite expensive in Hong Kong and my dinner cost roughly 7 SGD. We retired for the day after dinner.
It was finally time for the competition. The weather in Hong Kong was very cold and temperatures were about 10~13 degrees Celsius. It was my first time in such a cold country and I could get use to the weather. We increased our warm-up intensity to make up for the cold weather. During my 800m race, I was very nervous as everybody there looked bulky and fit. Halfway through the race, I was freezing and the cold dry air attacked every part of my lungs. Unable to acclimatise to the weather, I could not surge and go faster. Even though I broke my personal best, I was not really happy with the results as I felt I could have gone faster.
Competition today again, this time instead of being in the morning, my event was in the late evening. I felt groggy in the morning due to a bad night. ( Think I might be having a slight cold) Anyways, I had to quickly eat breakfast before the bus leaves without me. Our team arrived at the stadium at about 7.30am. Since my event was like 9 more hours later, I took a nap and woke up for lunch. Lunch was ramen at the restaurant near the stadium. Another 4 more hours...
And soon it was 3.15pm - time for warm-up. I felt weird during warm-up, it was probably my cold affecting me. Soon, my event was starting and I was called to the start line. The race started and tried to pull up to the front, got behind my senior and ran in the slip-stream to save energy. Within a lap, I started to feel exhausted and wondered if I could even survive another 2 more laps. The pace was so fast and I could not keep up, so I fell back. After finishing another lap, I had 1 last lap. The runner behind me surged past me and I tried to keep the lead but to no avail, he overtook me. I followed closely till the last 200m where I pushed my body to the limit and surged. "CHASE! CHASE! CHASE! CHASE!" My teammates roared as I tried speed up and at least get a 3rd place. The other runner looked around and did not expect me to follow so tightly and charged forward as well. By the time I reached 50m mark, I knew there was no chance I could beat the runner and gave up chasing. I looked up the time and saw a 5.026 timing. I did not hit my target but at least I broke my old personal best(PB) of 5.06. I was pretty relieved after this as that will be all the events I am doing.
DAY 4 (Night)
An all night round of fun. My teammates got to my hotel room and we started to play cards. We play "tai-ti" or Big 2 for 2 whole hours( No gambling don't worry). Another 1 more hour of Indian poker and I felt like sleeping desperately. We played blackjack last, but I fell asleep halfway so I can't remember much.
DAY 5 Last Day
We went to "Dai Yi Shan" today. We went there by Hong Kong's train system, MTR. The train took about 30~40 minutes and we were lucky not to travel during the peak hours. The train carriages were pretty much empty. We reached the base of "Dai Yi Shan" and took the cable car up. The scenic view featured the sea,forest and the hilly terrain. I climbed the famous 100 steps staircase to the big statue of Buddha. After that, I bought some souvenirs and got back to the hotel. It was quite a rush as we had to reach the airport at 4pm. We got back to the hotel, got our luggage and left for the airport. Once we reached the airport, we checked-in and it was free-and-easy till it was airplane boarding time. I got to an internet kiosk and updated my family on my whereabouts and what happened in Hong Kong. Time past quickly and it was soon time to board the plane. The plane was a newer model than the plane I took to Hong Kong. It was much more comfortable on the plane, or not. There were long periods of turbulence during the flight. There seemed to be a storm and I had to hold my pee till the plane got out of the turbulent zone. It was about half past midnight when the plane arrived in Singapore. My parents were waiting to pick me up so I quickly got through customs. My father drove back and I fell asleep during the drive back home.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Photo Description
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Home Learning

- Why did you choose the different pictures or background(s)? I chose classroom as the incidents occur in the classroom. The classroom is the place where Jack gets bullied by James. - How do they contribute to the elements (plot, setting, characterisation) of your narrative? Jack being a meek and rash boy, do not know how to counter being bullied by James and do not know how to ask for help. When unable control his emotions after James bullies him, he becomes rash and throws a bottle of paint and by accident, it hits the teacher. Mr Bob, being strict, punishes Jack and jack learns that being angry and thinking rashly could cause him alot.
- How did you make use of the different elements to contribute to the theme you have chosen?
I used the different elements such as characterisation to tell the readers why jack will become angry. Since jack has a rash nature, he would flare up easily. The plot gives a natural reason how Jack would get punish for being angry or how anger can be an expensive luxury.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
KWL: LA lesson
Want: I want to know if my previous knowledge of prejudice is accurate or not and what other words are similar to prejudice. I would like to also know more about how prejudices affects oneself and the affected party.
Learn: I have learnt that there are many things related to prejudice. Prejudice is pre(before), judice (judging) and this means before knowing the person/understanding the person/situation/culture and making a assumption. Discrimination is an act caused by prejudice and there are many form of discrimination such as sexism, ageism or racism. The actions taken by discrimination can be genocide (severe), lynching(quite severe), racial segregation.